It’s definitely valuable to get a sense of what’s working and what’s not. I sometimes get that feeling of dread when it comes to diving into the analysis, but I’ve come to realize it’s a crucial step in evolving, growing, and refining my strategy. It’s all part of the journey to continuously improve and connect better with our audience. Thank you for sharing.

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I dread looking into my email stats too. It’s weird because I don’t dread looking at other stats, only email. It feels so personal for some reason.

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Sep 1Liked by Christina Piccoli

Thanks for the peek into your analytics. I'll be doing this in a few months when I feel I have enough data.

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Sounds great!

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Aug 30Liked by Christina Piccoli

Hey lady! Are those screenshots from convertkit?

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Aug 30Liked by Christina Piccoli

Love that last image... never change Midjourney, never change!

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I love their screw ups. It's my favorite part of using Midjourney.

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Aug 30Liked by Christina Piccoli

I 100% moved based on your 99% estimate to Substack. It’s too early to tell if it’s a good move but it doesn’t matter, I’m going to make the best of it.

I 100% liked this newsletter, love looking at data and getting insights. Have you tried https://subjectline.com ?

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Awesome, Brian! I hope it works out for you! I haven't moved yet but I have my ConvertKit subscription until Black Friday, so I have a little time.

I'll check out that link, thank you!

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Despite my decades writing articles for print magazines where I was paid to write (you know, the ones on paper 😜), the lightening speed of the Internet causes things to continually change.

Thank you for a look-see into your wins and what you feel are you duds.

Come on, sista. 79 is way better than you think!

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Thanks for checking it out! Do you still write for print magazines? That would be fun to try!

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I write for free on a monthly printed tabloid in my local market, which is a great way to build a following. I strive to always give as much as possible in a short column (350-500 words), and it continues to product paying clients without overtly selling anything.

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That sounds awesome!

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It is better than I ever expected.

Writers think they must get paid to write an article in order to make a living, but there's an easier way.

You can earn a healthy income by subliminally seducing your ideal reader by talking TO The One rather than talking AT them.

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Interesting perspective.

Would you care to delve into this further?

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Happy to, Stella! It's about building relationships by speaking the same language, giving more, and leaving the ideal reader with the feeling that we're in this together.

This particular tabloid is Seniors Voice, and as a Baby Boomer who's 75yo, I write as if I'm writing a note to my best friend.

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I agree! I would love to hear more about this, Donna.

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Aug 29Liked by Christina Piccoli


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Aug 30Liked by Christina Piccoli

You're welcome always God bless you and your family forever

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I love looking at the "click" data, I wish I could (or knew how to) get a list of all clicked links in a spreadsheet so I could see my top 10 or top 20 clicked links of all-time. I should check if it's possible instead of writing this comment but here we are lol

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Or, it would be nice if there was at least a way to sort by highest clicks. I would love that information too!

Also, with your list being so much bigger than mine, how many clicks are "good" in your eyes?

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Here's my breakdown:

Under 300 😕

300-500 🙂

Over 500 😁

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Perfectly stated!

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Aug 30Liked by Christina Piccoli


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