Aug 25Liked by Christina Piccoli

This is eye opening. Thank you. I have been looking to get on Gumroad. Now I have the impetus.

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Gumroad has been awesome! I’m going to be double and tripling down on it. I can’t wait to hear how it goes for you!

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Aug 22Liked by Christina Piccoli

that's really great - happy that Medium has been consistent for you! :)

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So far, so good with Medium!

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These are all awesome income streams.

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Thanks, Francis! I think so too.

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Amazing, Christina. Gumroad has become one of my favourite, too. Well done on managing them all. Medium is still good even though it’s a bit crazy right now.

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Thanks, Deni! Are you looking for affiliates? I see some of your products on Gumroad, and I think they would be a perfect fit for my audience.

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Awesome read, definitely makes me think about creating multiple streams for myself

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I’m glad it sparked some interest!

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how many times do you post on Medium a day?

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I average about once per day.

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This is amazing!

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Thank you!

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Aug 2Liked by Christina Piccoli

Probably smart to diversify! I would love to hear how you balance it all out and how you manage to do it all in your day?

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Well, that’s an easy one. I don’t do it all in my day. Haha. I just work on whatever I feel like in the moment and rotate.

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Great list. I already have Medium, Substack and Gumroad. I'm definitely going to check out Intellectualists. Thanks.

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That’s my newsletter, but feel free to check it out. :)

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Yes, I realised that. I've subscribed.

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Thanks so much!

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Your actions match the title to your Substack perfectly.

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I’m glad you think so! Now I need to get my housewifing a little more in order. lol

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Congrats! It’s fantastic to have multiple income streams. While it can be challenging to keep track of them, especially when they arrive at different times, it’s a good problem to have! I allocate each income stream to a specific purpose, such as paying bills, savings, investments and of course, do as I please money! Have a wonderful day.

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I like how you allocate each income stream to certain things. I think of doing that too, but my income is generally just for fun anyway.

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That's brilliant, Christina!

I already use many of these channels and it's great to see how you are building an ecosystem.

In case you would like to become my affiliate on Gumroad, let me know, I just launched a new product last month (Personal Brand Studio).


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Yes, I would love to affiliate for you! Also, I’m ordering your book right now… I kept meaning to do that, and you just reminded me. :)

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Thank you so much!

I will DM you to add you as an affiliate.

PS: I hope you will like the book ;)

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I got your DM and will respond. Your book is due to come today. I'm sure I'll love it!

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This is was INCREDIBLY helpful! I am on a similar track and your organized outline was just perfect. Just added Medium Money to my cart for my next order. 🦋💯

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I'm glad the article helped and thank you so much for ordering my book! :)

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Jul 29Liked by Christina Piccoli

I'm dazzled by your 8 income streams! Thanks for sharing your journey and great info for people starting out.

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Thanks for checking it out!

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Talking of not putting all your eggs in one basket!

This seems a wise strategy. How do you keep them all going without burning out?

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I only work on something when I feel like it, and I just don’t worry about everything that “needs” to be done. Nothing needs to be done. It’s all fun for me. :)

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Amazing how you manage all these streams! Your days somehow have 56 hours? On exactly what planet are you housewifeing...??🤣🤣

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Haha! I only work on tis stuff maybe 4-5 hours a day. I don’t do everything at once. I work on whatever I feel like working on. :) Eventually, it all unravels the way it needs to!

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Unbelievable. Great work. Keep it up. 👍👍

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Thanks so much!

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