Love to see this!

I just started taking action after so much overthinking about a niche.

You hit it spot on!

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I struggled with it too! You're not alone.

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Jun 19Liked by Christina Piccoli

Amazing. I approached this topic through my writing. You might want to check it out - do share your thoughts with me :) https://mastersoffate.substack.com/p/niche-flix-and-chill

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I'll check it out!

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Jun 18Liked by Christina Piccoli

A lot depends on your goals for writing. If your primary objective is your own creative expression, you don't need a niche -- just write whatever you want. If your goal is to develop a readership, a niche can be an important marketing device.

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That’s true, but you don’t want to get stuck too long thinking about what niche you’re going to target. You have to get going and you can figure it out along the way.

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Jun 16Liked by Christina Piccoli

I KINDA have a niche, but not really. And it took me forever to learn that that is okay. I am a human of many interests. Thank you for this article. It’s a good one!

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That’s how I feel too. I “kind of” have a niche. haha

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Yes yes yes!!! Love this! If we don't LOVE what we're creating for the joy it brings us, why are we even doing it? It's so easy to get caught up in putting out content that "people will like" all the while ignoring what "you" like. Never ends well lol.

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I agree that we have to enjoy what we’re creating. Otherwise, what’s the point of any of it? I could go sit in a cubicle again and get paid more. lol It’s good if what we like to create is also liked by others. That’s the sweet spot.

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I did pick a niche, but one that actually can be flexed to relate to pretty much anything and everything I've got an interest in as it relates to self improvement more broadly speaking hehe ... I think though that if I hadn't had that particular lightbulb moment I was in the right frame of mind to write simply as Sarah anyway, because whatever is your driver is also what others may resonate with if that makes sense... but yes, fully agree with the diving in and doing the thing regardless having SO SO many benefits <3

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So you're niche is a little broader, and that way you can write about multiple things under that broader topic. That makes sense to me!

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As someone who writes about 5 different things in my newsletter, this was an affirming read😄 I am my niche!

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I love it!

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"Experience is the best teacher" - couldn't agree more, dont be afraid to get out there, youre not alone we can always learn together!

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Sounds like a perfect plan to me!

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Jun 13Liked by Christina Piccoli

Million dollar advices. "Take action' solves 99% of your problem. I also took probably 2-3 years just to START. Now I can feel that the best way to learn is to enjoying the journey and I feel this is the best thng about this journey. Unlike other 9-6 jobs here you get ample opportunity to learn everyday

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Once you take action, the momentum keeps you going. It's just starting that is hard for so many.

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Everything became easier for me when I stopped overthinking this stuff and thought about why I wanted to write in the first place.

Since 2020 I started writing because it was a way to share what I know and have experienced with others in a way that's scalable and reaches more people.

Long story short. I didn't focus on me, but rather on the people that I wanted to help. And overtime, the "niche" or the "ideal audience" became clearer and clearer.

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That's very smart advice. Thank you for sharing!

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Jun 12Liked by Christina Piccoli

You’re right. The more you act, the more patterns you’ll see emerge. Or maybe none emerge that you like and that’s okay too. I’m going through that in my freelancing. Not sure where to niche down and where there is enough demand. Tough nut to crack but that’s what makes life interesting!

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That's a very good point. You have to keep trying and following the clues along the way until you're led to the things that are most satisfying. It definitely keeps life interesting!

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Jun 13Liked by Christina Piccoli

Like a treasure hunt, haha!

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Jun 12Liked by Christina Piccoli

The best way to define your niche is to create content.

There's no theoretical exercise that will remove this part or give you absolute certainty.

Instead, if you create content and see growth, then you have a reliable feedback from the market.

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Yup! I agree. You have to get stuff out there and see what happens.

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Often people talk about choosing a niche without clarifying their assumptions. Do you just need a creative outlet or do you want to make money?

If it's the latter, you need a way to be recognized. Why should people choose you? This usually takes the shape of a niche.

But there's confusion on the definition of niche. It's not just topics, demographics, problems ... The most helpful definition I found is "which transformation do you want to help your audience achieve?"

In any case, there's no amount of thinking that can reveal the perfect niche before starting to publish. Just make an educated guess, something a bit specific but not too much, start publishing and adjust based on your results.

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I like that definition of a niche! 💎

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This is excellent advice. You are not going to reveal the perfect niche until you start publishing. The niche will find you along the way.

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Jun 11Liked by Christina Piccoli

My analytical brain is buffering.

I’m not the only one with notebooks full of “ideas”.

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You’re totally not!! 😛

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Haha nope! You're not.

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Jun 11Liked by Christina Piccoli

I think the biggest limiting belief when we start writing online is “I don’t know what to write about”, which is then followed by all the gooroos telling us to pick a niche.

If I’m writing to grow my business, then sure. I’ll focus on a few main topics and try not to get into the weeds. But if it’s my personal creative outlet like SS is for me? I’ll write about anything.

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Sounds like the perfect solution!

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Jun 11Liked by Christina Piccoli

This is so spot on, Christina:

"The more you write, the more you figure out what you like to write about and what people respond to. It’s the only way to know!"

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Yup. Sometimes you just have to start throwing spaghetti at the wall and see what sticks. (Although, I don't really recommend wasting good pasta.)

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